If you want to earn money on internet without investing a huge amount of money than starting your own blog and applying for Adsense is really good practical option for you.Its really amazing that Google sharing 70% profit earn from its advertisements back to its publishers which is a good thing but not many people know that how can they get benefit from this program. Adsenseis an advertising program by Google so that you can generate some revenue from your blog or website traffic. Of course you need to do some work before applying for an free account like purchasing a domain name and setting up a blog on blogger or on WordPress.

How to start Blogging
As I said above that you need some kind of idea or blog niche in which you are deeply interested and have knowledge too. Of course you can learn about your topic any time via search engines or on YouTube. After choosing the blog topic its time to register your top level domain. One thing you should keep in mind that free domain will not work here so you have to invest some money and buy dot com or dot net domain.
You can redirect your domain to free blogger blog or buy hosting from reputable hosting provider like Hostgator and install WordPress in it. After that you can start writing quality stuff about your topic and make sure that you write at-least 15 to 20 articles. Now its better to do some basic on page and off page SEO of your site so that search engines can sent you some traffic but you can bring some traffic via social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.
After you all set its time to apply for Adsense account with the help of your Gmail ID. So if you don’t have Gmail address just create a new one today and after that visit the website Adsense.com and create new account. Please make sure that you fill the form correctly because you cannot change most of the information after your account in approved. Google will reply with an email within 24 hours to 7 business days and if they accept your application than you are lucky.
But unfortunately you are not able get Adsense account due to their strict policies than don’t worry this is not the end of world, if you are hard worker and have some decent traffic than you can also apply for Google Adsense Alternatives in year 2013 also.
But unfortunately you are not able get Adsense account due to their strict policies than don’t worry this is not the end of world, if you are hard worker and have some decent traffic than you can also apply for Google Adsense Alternatives in year 2013 also.
Some of these programs require you to request the invite so that you can join it but almost all other don’t impose any kinds of strict restrictions. Mostly programs allow you to withdraw money when you ear $50 or more and payment options include Paypal, Payza, Western Union, Bank Wire etc.
Now you can also use some of the programs with your Adsense account because Google has no problem what so ever with these companies unless until their ads are very similar to there ones. Also you should not put ads on each and every corner of your blog because than it will hurt the user experience and Google also don’t like it.
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