Friday 18 September 2015

5 Reasons Not to Buy Sony LED TV for Cricket World Cup 2015 free

If you are planning to buy a LED TV for cricket world cup 2015 than please read this article carefully as I will try my best to point out 5 reasons not to Buy Sony LED TV. First of all let me tell you that I am a huge fan of Sony and it’s products due to the fact that it’s the world’s renowned company and they never compromise on quality(until now). For many years I always brought Sony TV at any cost and that too from authorized dealers in order to make sure that I only buy genuine product. And till now they satisfied me too with best picture quality and motion graphics.
But few days ago I brought Sony Bravia 32R302B LED TV from Sony World shop located in The Centaurus Islamabad. Obviously it’s an authorized dealer shop and I am 100% sure that I buy a genuine product. Along with TV set I also brought DishTv Tru HD Plus so that I can watch matches in high definition. I was very excited that both these two products should be the best combination and give me the result I want. But after connecting two devices I was shocked to see the result.

Five Reasons Not to Buy Sony LED TV

1. Very Expensive

We all know that Sony products are very expensive because they provide high quality devices. But what if the device you buy has the same problem which other cheap devices have than why waste your money. I brought Sony Bravia 32R302B LED TV from Sony World in Rs. 37,000/- which is quite high when you compare it to other products available in the market right now. LED TV has one big problem and that is image blurr in fast moving graphics like games or cricket matches etc. So when they are not sorting it out than why but their products.
sony world offical led prices in pakistan

2. Motion Graphics Problem

First of all let me tell you that almost all LED TV sets are not suitable for moving pictures(atleast entry level) and they show you blurry picture when ever there is a fast movement like in cricket matches or games. But you cannot expect this from Sony as there TV sets are very expensive and they sets very high standard. Now I am not saying that all LED produced by Sony will give you this problem but the problem is that all entry level sets have mo motion graphics technology built into it and they show you blurry image which is very disappointing at all. They will never show you in commercial or even at shops that this TV set is not suitable for fast moving pictures.

3. Color Saturation Problem

Another big problem which I face was color saturation problem which was the biggest shock of my life. When I was watching matches of Tri series in Australia I noticed that when ever camera focus on the face of any player and he moves than there is a red showed occurs each and every time which show like a blood on hid face. Initially I thought that it might be a settings problem so I start playing with different settings but failed. Than I reset the TV to factory default but the problem remains the same. I contact Sony World for this problem and as usual they said that the problem is at your end means in your cable box system. So I connect different Cable TV box but the result was same. I also connect same cable TV box to another TV set in my home and there was no issue in the box.

4. No Local Customer Support

As expected there is no local customer support here in Pakistan although they have some service centers in few cities. So the point is that after buying the product you are left alone and if somehow you face any problem than you need to sort it out by your self.

5. Not Compatible with many Devices

In these few days I experienced that the TV set I buy is not compatible with many cable box systems we use in our country. So why waste money when we have the choice of buying the same type of TV set in low price.

So what should I buy Now

Now you may be thinking that what is the solution to this problem. Well in my opening don’t buy LED TV for watching matches because it will not give you the result you want(specially entry level products). Go for Plazma or Traditional Trinitron TV sets as they will give you much higher refresh rate and hence better motion graphics result.
samsung led tv
But if you are insisted to buy LED TV than go for Samsung, Orient, Changhong Ruba, LG, TCL etc. At-least they are cheap and give you the same result and you can buy 32 inch Light-Emitting Diode Television in under Rs. 25,000/- only.


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