Sunday 13 September 2015

Add Animated Flying Twitter Bird Widget to Blogger free

Twitter is the most popular social networking website after Facebook. Twitter has millions of daily users and tweets. I came across a lot of Twitter widgets for Blogger blogs and I used them myself on many of my blogs. But the widget I liked the most isAnimated Flying Twitter Bird which attracts visitors to follow you on Twitter and share your content. So today at it is my first widget which is being shared with you. You will like it while using on your blogger blogs. However, I will make more useful and beautiful blogger widgets and will share with you here in Urdu language. This widget is very easy to use. You can use it on any blogger template, I mean custom templates etc.

How to Add Animated Twitter Widget to Blogger?

twitter flying widget
There are a few steps to do this task. Also you can read Urdu article in Below picture to know about adding this widget to blogger blog.
  • First go to your Blogger Dashboard.
  • Click Template Option.
  • Click on HTML & Proceed.
  • Find </body> tag in HTML Coding (Tip: Use CTRL+F).
  • Insert Below code just before/above </body> tag.
  • Save Your template and Your done!.
<script src=’’ type=’text/javascript’>
<script type=’text/javascript’>
var twitterAccount = &quot;onlineustaad&quot;;
var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> &quot;;
Save the template and view your blog for having a new flying twitter widget.

Widget Customization

After inserting this code before </body> tag simply replace your twitter user name with red color text (onlineustaad) and save your template. You will see a beautiful flying twitter bird on your blog. Stay happy and share this tutorial with everyone in Your circle.


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