Sunday 20 September 2015

Host your Website on DropBox for Free free

Over the past few years many people are now moved towards internet in order to make money and blogging is one of the best way to generate income online. For this all you need is a custom domain and hosting to host your site. Domain name can be acquire within 10 dollars while hosting charges wary depends on the quality of hosting. Now the good thing is that there are many free web hosting providers like,, but the problem is that they can any time remove your site if you broke their terms and conditions. So if you want to host your static website than you can host it on your DropBox account easily without any hassle.

Things you Need

  • DropBox Account
  • Pancake Account
First of all create your DropBox accountwhich is free of cost with 5GB storage. If you want more than you can easily get extra 2GB storage for each referral.

Create Pancake Account

Now create Pancake Account with your working email and sign in into your account.Now first thing you have to do here is to connect your DropBox account with Pancake account. Just click on DropBox link located at the top of that page and than select “Reconnect to entire DropBox” link.
reconnect to dropbox
After connecting click on create New Project button and you will see a form like mention in below picture. Film the form with your details and choose the folder from your DropBox account where you want to upload your files.
pan cake new project

How to Upload Files

Now you need to upload the HTML files and images of your website to your DropBox account. Login into your account and click on Apps > folder. If the folder doesn’t exist than you need to synchronize your account again with DropBox. Upload all your files here including images.
dropbox files upload

Attach Custom Domain

After creating your PanCake project your domain will look like this so if you want to redirect it to top level domain than you have to add it in settings page. Click on your project link and than settings tab. Here enter the full domain name which you want to attach with your PanCake sub-domain.
final step

Add cName Record

Final step is to add the cName record in your domain control panel. Login into your domain control panel and select your domain.
add cname recordHere select the DNS Zone File Editor and add the cName record like the one mention below.
free hosting in urdu


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