Thursday 17 September 2015

How to Buy Themes & Scripts Online in Urdu/Hindi free

Many people out there use pirated themes and scripts which results in frustration and poor user experience. I’ve been asked so many times by my readers about such themes and scripts which have destroyed their blogs/sites, in response to this, I always advise my readers to purchase the theme/template/script from the actual owner, so they will never face a problem. Today, I recorded a complete video tutorial on this topic in Urdu/Hindi. I’ll share some platforms with you from where you can easily purchase a theme or script of your choice.

How to Buy WordPress Themes?

If you are running a blog/site on WordPress then you probably need to purchase a professional theme, and you can do it easily online because there are so many platforms who provide you premium WordPress themes of your choice. Below is the best platform from where you can buy any theme/template or CMS:
Never go for pirated or free stuff, because of that you’ll lose the support, original product and updates.
Apart from themeforest, there are some other websites which also provide you the best themes out there, please visit the sites one by one and if you like a theme then you can easily buy via Paypal or debit card:
I’m myself using these websites for last few years. and I’ve never faced any problem yet, this is because if you play it clear, you’ll always be clear.

How to Buy any Script Online?

Now if you want any type of web development script or CMS then here it comes another great platform for you, the codecanyon offers you 14,000+ scripts ranging from $1 to $100. And amazingly, you can find any type of script such as PHP, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, ASP.NET, Mobile Apps and so many more. Please visit the link below:
This platform is amazing, I’ve purchased many scripts from this, and it looks the developers are so professional who build these scripts with dedication.
If you still have doubts or questions about these platforms then do watch the video tutorial in Urdu/Hindi for a complete explanation.
Once again, I’ll advise you to not use pirated themes and buy the theme/template/script from the actual owner, so you’ll always be happy with your investment. And whenever you do something online, make sure you take it seriously, because your time is very precious which should be used wisely. And let me know in the comment section if you have any question regarding this.


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