Saturday, 5 September 2015

10 Dofollow Articles Submission Directories For SEO Backlinks free

One of the effective ways for getting backlinks for your website/blog is guest posting for other blogs who have guest posting enabled. GettingDofollow backlinks is very difficult job now a days, because most of the blog directories have nofollow attribute to the external links, and blog commenting is also resulting a nofollow link. So now in this situation only two ways are remaining which you can use to make strong backlinks for your site. The first one is writing quality unique posts for other High PR blogs, by writing guest posts for other websites you get 2 or 1 permanent backlinks for your site, this backlink is inserted in your bio below the post you’ve written for a certain website. The another good way for getting backlinks is submitting your original articles to Dofollow article directories. This is not a good method as guest posting is, but the problem in guest posting is; many bloggers can’t write high quality posts to be accepted by other blogs. And those blogs/sites are very popular, so they rarely accept guest posts. However, article submission is somehow easier than guest posting. You just need to write an article and submit that to below listed directories, you can insert one or two links back to your site in your bio section. So this way you can easily create some backlinks for your site.
Article directories
We’ll talk in details about guest posting in a later post, but today we’ll only discuss article directories. And I have a list of dofollow article directories, where you can easily create backlinks by submitting your articles.

Top 10 Dofollow Article Directories

These directories accept your unique and quality article and give you a permanent backlink for your website, some directories allow you to insert one link and some two. But the most important thing to be considered is the criteria, because without knowing the criteria you can’t go good. First check out the list of the directories, and I’ll also explain the criteria before submitting your article to these websites.

What criteria should your article meet before submission?

  • Your article should be original & not copied from internet
  • Your article should not contain affiliate links or self promotion
  • Your Article must be at least 400 or more words
  • Your article must have less than 3% keyword density
  • Your Article should be covering the subject your writing on
So above points should be kept in mind before submitting the article to the directories, because they review the article and within 24 hours publish it if it is meeting the minimum criteria, else they will inform you via email about the status of your article.
Now a days, this is very essential to create backlinks for your website/blog in order to get better ranking in search engines. And apart from guest posting, article submission is one more way to get some backlinks to your website, for this purpose you should only use Dofollow directories and never use or ArticleBase.combecause they add  nofollow attribute to your article.
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Kindly let me know if you got questions about this post. You can use the comment box below to ask your questions. I’ll always check comments & do reply to each one. Take Care.


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