Saturday, 5 September 2015

Download Premium WordPress Themes & Blogger Templates Free free

Hello all, today W’d like to present you something different. We have been focusing on producing video tutorials in Urdu language for last 2 years, we received a huge feedback from you and still we are receiving your fantastic feedback. We always take care of your feedback and consider your feedback something like energy. We always try to address the issues you point out, and we also try to give you each and every tip you deserve. This all we have given free and Inshallah we’ll keep it in the future as well. Also we provide you complete courses in DVDs, which you buy and save your time and money and learn everything completely at your home. We also haveweb hosting & domain name services for you. Moreover, we offer you a large number of services for example if you want to create a website, want to optimize your website, want to create a fancy template for your blogger or WordPress website. All services that we offer can be found on ourservices page. So actually we want to give you everything you need. And we are trying hard to achieve this goal.

Download WordPress premium themes for free (Worth $147)

The above paragraph was the story of our goals so far, but from today onwards, we have some great news for you and which is; we’ll present you premium (paid) things for free, why? because you have been showing your consistent love for this site and therefore, we want to give you something back, and you deserve it. So today we’ll freely serve you with 3 three premium WordPress themes which are worth ($147)means these themes are not free and they need to be purchased from, but we’ll give you all these professional WordPress themes absolutely for free. Apart from these themes, we’ll also give you a pack of best blogger templates which are Adsense ready and SEO friendly.

First Watch this video & then go on!

Which premium themes you’ll get:

There are three themes for now which we’ll send you for free along with 10+ best blogger templates, the WordPress themes are worth $147 and almost 14500PKR. So you’ll get them free.

Theme # 1 NewsPaper (by Theme Junkie)

This theme is a premium WordPress theme worth $49 which is a professional and magazine type WordPress theme applied on thousands of popular websites. Look at the DEMO 

Theme # 2 NewsWire (by Theme-junkie)

This is another professional premium WordPress theme which is also used by thousands of websites on the internet. You’ll get this premium theme and another 3 themes for free. This theme is worth $49. Look at the DEMO

Theme # 3 ClearType (by Theme-Junkie)

This is another great WordPress theme which has a beautiful & professional slider and everything a perfect WP site needs. This theme is also worth $49 and you’ll get this theme for free. Look at the DEMO
The above all themes will be free of cost for you and you’ll not pay a single rupee for these themes. And we are not stopping here, we’ll also give you much more things for free.

10+ Professional & Best Blogger Templates Pack for free

Along with above three premium WordPress theme we’ll also send you a pack of 10+ professional & great blogger templates which we’ve never shared on this blog. These blogger templates were found on different sites but after a long struggles. All these templates will be now sent to you for absolutely free of cost.

What you need to do for receiving all above stuff in your Email inbox?

You don’t need to pay anything, you’ll just need to enter your email address in below text box and after entering your email address you’ll go to your email account and will click the verification email you received, after confirming your email address, just leave a comment below and mention your email which you’ve entered in the box & also confirmed, we’ll instantly send all these themes & templates to that email address. By entering your email address here you’ll receive our free updates in the future, so this is also beneficial for you.

Subscribe Your Email Now

Enter your email address:
If you need help regarding how to subscribe & confirm your email address then watch below video tutorial in Urdu language to understand it easily:
Additionally, you should like our Facebook page if you haven’t liked it yet, and follow our Google+ page showing at left sidebar. And sharing this post is must in order to get all the themes for free. And thank you very much for your continue support & feedback. We love you feedback. And now we want to give you something back.
Important Update:
Download the blogger templates by clicking here >> Download Now & WordPress from >> Here


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