I would say that this year was the revolutionary year in the history of internet, why? because Internet reached its dream in this year. Now internet is in fact a sea of knowledge and a treasure of hidden secrets. Just you need to find them or explore them. There are thousands of blogs/websites for sharing free knowledge, and a tough competition is also there among them. And this thing is one of the most exciting things which could never be imagined before now. So you can now freely learn whatever you want. If you found a helpful blog like onlineustaad.com then you may really want to be in stay with that website. So for this purpose all of the popular blogs have given you a facility called “Subscribe via Email” which is very easy service to use, this service actually lets you know via Email when that site/blog is updated with new content. This is actually an “RSS FEED” service by feedburner, which provides you opportunity to subscribe to any website you like, and after subscribing to a particular website, the new posts/content will be delivered to you via your email address. So you will receive all the new posts straight in your inbox.
This is true that email subscription service is one of the most growing services, and also very helpful for the people who want to learn things fast and consistently. But the problem is; many new internet users don’t know how to use this service properly. And this post is for them. I hope now all of you will know how to properly subscribe your email to a website or blog for updates.
Subscribing to a blog/website for email updates!
Whether you visit a big website or small, almost every website/blog owner has installed the feedburner or any other email delivering service, you just need to observe the box somewhere which says “Subscribe via email” or “Subscribe for Email updates” or “Enter Your email here” or “Subscribe for News latter” or “Subscribe for Updates” or something similarly like that. Just enter your email in that box only if you want to receive the updates (new content) straight in your email inbox, and after entering your email address you must login to your email account at the same moment, because a verification for that email is immediately sent after your subscription. So you need to verify your email in order be subscribed to any website. After logging into your email account, just find the email that you just received from feedburner, and there will be a link saying click for confirming your email, just click that and you are done.
Here is a video tutorial in Urdu language for easily understanding this procedure. And also if you have subscribed to this blog (OnlineUstaad.com) then make sure you have also confirmed your email. because it is very important.
So I hopefully can say that now you’ll check your email address & spam folder as well to find the confirmation link and activate it. Because we have almost 4000 email requests but confirm emails are just 960, and there is a big difference. Also if you have further question then do let me know. Take Care.
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